Just being alive can cause sensitive teeth
We all know that moment when we are about to sip from our favorite tea and instead of enjoying the moment we get a sharp pain in our teeth out of nowhere, we freak out a little and then someone around us says: “It’s nothing, your teeth are just sensitive.”But the truth is sensitive teeth are a serious condition and you shouldn’t just wait for it to go away, instead try fixing the problem and enjoy everything good in the world - like coffee and ice cream, as well as all of the other hot and cold goodies out there.
We live in the 21st century when our modern habits affect our health on a massive scale. Turns out - around 50% of the world population develop hypersensitivity in their teeth. Chances are if you are a woman, you are more likely to get it, too. (Like everything else isn’t enough already). But we truly care about how you feel and we want you to enjoy life to the fullest
Here are 7 easy tips that can help your sensitive teeth today
- The wrong kind of toothbrush can wear off your tooth enamel, especially if you press too hard. Your teeth get sensitive and get deeply hurt when you buy them bad quality products. Many toothbrushes are doomed to be inefficient from manufacturing when their bristles are cut in a straight line, which leaves them with sharp edges that damage your teeth and gums. We recommend you look for toothbrushes with rounded tips.
- You either overdo or underdo your mouthwash. Like everything else in life, a balanced approach to mouth care works best. So, if you are using a strong mouthwash containing high % of alcohol and other chemicals you can damage your teeth and make them more sensitive. Of course, not paying enough attention to cleaning plaque can lead to pain, too. We recommend using organic products that don’t contain the chemicals that can lead to some serious damage.

- Although there are many kinds of toothpaste that can help sensitive teeth, there are also those that can cause them. Usually, the whitening ones contain chemicals that are actually more harmful, than helpful. Natural products come into play again, since they are safer and more gentle to your mouth.
- Hypersensitivity can be caused by subconscious grinding of your teeth. Good news is there are preventative mouthguards that you can wear while you sleep. The dentists recommend getting customized ones, that fit your bite.
- A highly acidic diet may also be the root of your teeth problems. Acidic foods wear off your enamel and even could cause discoloring. That leads to demineralization and makes your teeth prone to sensitivity. And although it’s good to brush your teeth after every meal, you should try to avoid doing so right after consuming acidic foods and wait for at least 20 minutes. You can find a list of the most common acidic foods here.
- Sensitive teeth could actually be an indication of a more serious problem, that needs a dentist’s attention. Even if you are not sure if you have one of the following, it is best to consult with a professional:
- Cavities
- Fractured teeth
- Worn fillings
- Gum disease
- Exposed tooth root
- If sensitivity appeared after a recent visit to the dentist, your teeth might be reacting negatively to the treatment. So, hypothetically, going to the dentist can cause you some temporary discomfort. But that’s both normal and temporary. Of course, if the pain doesn't disappear in a few days you should make another follow-up appointment with your dentist.
Don't make sensitive teeth part of your life
The things that are supposed to keep your teeth in check can actually damage them. But things aren’t so bad. Although danger lurks from every corner waiting to destroy your smile, we still think if you take good care of your teeth, everything should be ok. “Good care” means regular checks with your dentists twice a year, drinking plenty of water and having the right oral care tools: A toothbrush that is designed to be good for your health; a non-toxic toothpaste and mouthwash that contains natural ingredients. If you develop a regular habit using them you can prevent sensitive teeth and never have to be interrupted when you are enjoying the little things in life.
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