Bad Breath: Causes and Prevention

Bad Breath: Causes and Prevention

Jan 23, 2018Bold Apps

One of the most awkward situations is when somebody has to finally admit “Your breath smells really bad”. No matter if you are the one saying it or someone told you, it makes everyone pretty uncomfortable. It’s even worse if people start avoiding you because of it. According to the dentist John Woodall, relationships can be ruined due to bad breath. Let’s face it: Nobody wants to go that far.

If you wonder where does the unpleasant smell in your mouth originate from and how to deal with it, keep reading.  


What Causes Bad Breath?

Halitosis or malodor in medical terms might occur as a result of poor habits regarding the dental health and other reasons. In some cases, that may also be interpreted as a sign of other health disorders.

Unhealthy lifestyle regarding nutrition can worsen one’s breath. The breakdown of food starts in your mouth, which stimulates bacteria growth and leads to foul odour. Brushing, flossing and even mouthwash will barely save you from the strong odour of foods like onions or garlic until they have passed through the body.

Poor dental habits
When you don’t maintain proper oral care by brushing and flossing on a daily basis, food particles remain in the oral cavity and cause bad breath. Additionally, a sticky colourless biofilm of bacteria called plaque forms within the mouth. In order to prevent the dental disease periodontitis - the forming of pockets filled with the plaque around the teeth and gums, you should brush the plaque away. Another source of bad smell might be the tongue, which should also be cleaned properly.

Cigarettes leave smoke particles in the throat and lungs by which they cause a foul odour in the mouth. According to new scientific studies on bad breath, the reason for the pungent odour coming out of a smoker’s mouth is the fact that he holds the hot, strong smoke in their mouth for quite a long time. The scent of recently smoked cigarette usually stays in the lungs for hours, hence the smell connected to the breath of a smoker. The same effect can be observed with the use of every tobacco product. Smoking also reduces your ability to taste foods and causes stain teeth. In addition, the chance of developing a gum disease, which also causes bad breath, is higher when smoking.

Dry mouth
Remained particles are naturally being cleansed by saliva, which moistens the mouth and neutralizes acids. The contribution of the medical condition for dry mouth xerostomia to bad breath is preconditioned by the decrease of saliva production. During sleeping, especially with your mouth open, the oral cavity naturally becomes dry, which leads to the so-called “morning breath”. Problems with salivary glands and some diseases might even cause chronic dry mouth.

• Some medications
The intake of certain drugs leads to the reduction of saliva, consequently, the mouth dries up and bad breath occurs. Other medicines’ breakdown in the oral cavity is related to the release of chemicals causing the foul smell. Examples are chemotherapy chemicals, nitrates used to treat angina and some tranquillizers such as phenothiazines. People taking vitamins in large doses are also predisposed to halitosis.

• Diseases
Due to the production of specific mixes of chemicals, metabolic conditions such as cancer and liver failure are other precursors for bad breath. The presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) might be associated with bad smell because of the regular reflux of stomach acids.

5 Tips For Prevention

  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
    Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes to eliminate food debris and plaque. Also, clean your teeth after you eat. Keep a toothbrush at work or school to brush after lunch. Remember – brushing is just as important for your teeth as it is for the tongue. Replacement of the toothbrush every 3-4 months and after a disease is strongly advisable.

  • Visit your dentist on a regular basis.
    It is recommended to go for a dental check-up at least twice a year. He or she will conduct an oral exam and professional teeth cleaning. They can also able to detect and treat periodontal disease, dry mouth, or other problems that may be the cause of bad mouth odour.

  • Quit smoking.
    As already mentioned, smoking is among the reasons for bad breath, as it has its own foul odour. You can ask your dentist for tips on how to get rid of that bad habit.
  • Drink enough water.
    Mouth dehydration contributes a lot to foul smell. If you are a fan of chewing gums and/or sucking on candy, choose sugarless ones, preferably containing xylitol, and go ahead, because those stimulate the creation of saliva. The latter naturally washes away bacteria and food particles. What’s more, avoiding alcohol, as it additionally dries your mouth, is a substantial measure.
  • Food and beverage
    It is advisable to avoid foods that cause bad breath such as garlic and onion. Those who have a sweet tooth should be aware of the contribution of sugary products to unpleasant breath. Another measurement of the foul smell is a cup of black tea. Due to its content, especially polyphenols, this Chinese drink has the capacity on one hand to hinder the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. On the other hand, black tea is estimated to help prevent tooth decay. But be careful with the intake frequency, as too much caffeine might dehydrate your mouth.

Keep your Teeth and Gums Healthy and Never Worry

If you have a good habit of maintaining your oral and overall health, bad breath shouldn’t be a problem. The Nano-b products are designed to help you keep your smile healthy. The clinically proven Nano-b Antibacterial Toothbrush kills 99.9% of harmful bacteria in your mouth, even the ones that cause bad odours. In combination with The Nano-b Organic Mint toothpaste, packed with organic herbal extracts and essential oils to naturally freshen your breath and free of any artificial ingredients, these two brushing tools make the perfect team that protects the health of your mouth.

Do you now consider yourself an expert on bad breath? Take this short quiz to find out and have fun along the way.


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