A Healthy Smile Makes The Best First Impression

A Healthy Smile Makes The Best First Impression

Jan 03, 2018Bold Apps

The First Thing People Notice About You is Your Smile

What is the first thing people notice when they meet you for the first time? A fellow company for toothbrushes carried out a study for the American daily newspaper USA Today in 2015 surveying more than 1000 participants in the USA that asks the same question. Guess what their answer turned out to be: Almost half of them – 47% have pointed out the smile as the very first thing that affects their first impression, followed by the eyes with 31%. For 11% of the participants the smell, which includes the breath and is also surely connected to the quality of people’s oral care, comes at third place. Clothes and hair are shown the least attention with respectively 7% and 4%.



The Process of Forming a First Impression

It only takes seven seconds for the brain to form the first impression. The moment a stranger sees you, their brain makes a thousand calculations at lightning speed. Examples are: Are you a friend or an enemy? Is it safe for me to approach you or it’s better to avoid you? Are you someone I can trust? It is surely not a pleasant experience to know you’ve made a bad first impression. Especially knowing you could have done something about it. You don’t want to regret sleeping two more minutes in the morning instead of brushing your teeth.

Unfortunately, fresh breath can’t do all the work by itself. Facial expression is also very important when it comes to making a good impression. For example, if you are being interviewed, it’s always a good idea to smile by which you are saying “I’m a confident person who would love to chat with you about my future.” Your expression should say more about you than words could in a split second. The interviewer needs to believe for seven seconds that you are positive but at the same time professional, which can be achieved easier with a smile.

3 Tips for Better Impression

Here are some straightforward tips on how to make a better first impression:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day - every day. The chances are if you miss once, that’s when the love of your life is going to appear out of the blue
  • Drink enough water to eliminate bad breath. It might seem obvious but people tend to forget about drinking water. It is a natural remedy against bad breath, however unlikely that sounds.
  • A tasty alternative to water is drinking stinging nettle tea. This herb is known for its purifying compounds, which eliminate toxins from our bodies.

There are more ways to keep your breath fresh. You can check out Five Tips to Avoid Bad Breath to learn more.

Smiling is of great importance because it shows people you are happy and you are certainly radiating positive energy, which immediately affects people’s mood. As mentioned before, smiling is associated with confidence and trust.

But no matter how comfortable or confident in the fresh breath you feel, do keep the distance between you and the other person in the range between 1.5 – 3 meters if you’re talking to a person you meet for the first time. This is the healthy social proximity.

How to Better Maintain Your Oral Health 

Brushing your teeth helps you to keep them white by removing the debris that accumulates from normal eating and drinking.

To remove the nasty smell coming out of your mouth or the yellow patches on your teeth and to be able to smile freely and confidently, we recommend brushing your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes.

It is crucial for you to brush them effectively to maximize the cleansing effect. The best thing is that thanks to our bamboo charcoal toothbrush now you can naturally whiten your teeth and you’ll never again have to hold your smile.

Go ahead now and make the best impression!


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