4 Reasons For Choosing Organic Toothpaste

4 Reasons For Choosing Organic Toothpaste

Apr 11, 2018Eleonora Avramova

One of the hottest topics of the 21st century is organic vs. non-organic food. However, the debate transferred into other industries as well - personal care products, cosmetics, baby products e.t.c. They are cleaner and healthier and often more expensive because of that. There is one product that many seem to forget we use on a daily basis and never even think about switching to organic. We put toothpaste in our mouth twice a day, thinking that it doesn’t matter if it is organic or not because we spit it out in the end. Unfortunately, this is not the case as the components of everything we put in our mouth could enter our bloodstream and damage our overall health.

Some people don’t believe in the effectiveness of all-natural toothpaste. This myth can be easily debunked because of the fact that the physical act of brushing plays the most important role in cleaning our teeth. By using only water the toothbrush eliminates food particles, but the purpose of the toothpaste is to eliminate bacteria, which is the main culprit for gingivitis, dental malodor, cavities, etc. Regardless of texture - paste, gel or powder - the priority for toothpaste is fighting harmful bacteria.

1. Chemicals vs. herbs

Like food, our motives for choosing organic toothpaste should be the same: we try to reduce artificial chemicals intake and keep our bodies healthier. There is more than one way for harmful components to enter our body. As we all know we might swallow some toothpaste by accident, but not many people consider our skin also absorbs chemicals.

Dangerous diseases coming from non-organic toothpaste include canker sores, cancer, and renal failure. Here is what to watch out for:


  • Fluoride

Known for fighting cavities, this controversial ingredient can already be found in tap water in the USA for that purpose. As a study suggests, overexposure to fluoride is toxic. Moreover, a 30-year long investigation by Dr Frederick McKay and Dr Green Vardiman Black, one of the most eminent dental researchers in Britain, proved that high levels of water-borne fluoride cause the discolouration of tooth enamel. As we’ve explained in a previous article, fluoride is considered as the cause for dental fluorosis - a condition highly dangerous in children.


  • Sodium Laurel Sulfate

As a detergent found in shampoos, SLS is responsible for the foaming action of many shampoos, soaps, and your toothpaste. The bad news is the chemical might cause skin irritation and eventually lead to recurring canker sores. On top of that foam is no good for anything. It just feels familiar.

  • Triclosan

As an antimicrobial agent used for different purposes in a household and personal care triclosan can be found in detergents, soaps, and shampoos, as much as in a toothpaste. The chemical has been shown to affect hormones (particularly thyroid hormone, estrogen, and testosterone). It is also of concern for the endocrine system.  

From a business point of view the artificial ingredients are less costly and help make the product visibly more attractive (dye, foam, texture agents). But from a health point of view, there is no reason for them to be in any contact with the human body. On the contrary - they should stay as far as possible.

Natural toothpaste compounds, on the other part, can guarantee to not only do the good cleaning job in a proper manner but also to preserve your overall health. Here are three super-powered natural examples:

  • Aloe Vera

This tropical plant is packed with oral care benefits, as many studies have demonstrated, which makes it perfect for your toothpaste. It has been shown to destroy harmful bacteria and fight infection. The Aloe promotes fresh breath by disinfecting the mouth and prevents tooth decay by stopping the plaque from building up. Its anti-inflammatory properties help it prevent gingivitis.


  • Mint

That popular herb works wonders for your oral health. Not only does it alkalize the body and return the mouth to its normal PH levels, but it also possesses strong naturally antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin A, C, B6, folate and riboflavin are among the essential for the overall health elements, which are to be found in mint.


  • Tea Tree Oil

Its superb healing properties are used for three main health dangers – virus, bacteria, and fungus. Lately, this oil gains popularity for gum diseases as well. As part of a toothpaste, tea tree oil helps fight oral infections and reduces the risk of receding gums and tartar deposits. Additionally, it freshens your breath by suppressing odour-causing bacteria.

If you want to be fully aware of the side effects some chemicals in your toothpaste might have, check out this detailed list. And if you want to know which beneficial ingredients to look for, you can read more here.

2. Artificial vs. natural sweeteners

Most non-organic toothpastes contain saccharin or other artificial sweeteners, which have been shown to cause symptoms ranging from headaches and weight gain to more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease. Saccharin, in particular, has been linked to bladder cancer. Organic toothpaste manufacturers use the natural sweetener stevia extracted from the leaves of the plant of the same name, which does not damage your teeth. Plus, it has been found to reduce bacterial formation in the mouth and prevents gingivitis and cavities.

3. Animal Testing

As a rule, toothpaste must be cruelty-free to have the honour to be called “natural/organic”. Innocent rabbits suffer during toothpaste and washing-up liquids testing. Clamped into a testing harness, rabbits are being treated with different substances until they show some side-effects such as irritation, pain, bleeding perhaps, and eventually, blindness. Everyone should ask themselves if they would keep supporting that horror story or make the more ethical choice.

The Nano-b Organic Mint Toothpaste

Because of everything mentioned above Nano-b created The Organic Mint toothpaste. Free of all nasty and potentially dangerous and controversial ingredients, We are proud to claim that our product contains only organic, healthy ingredients. Each one has a specific purpose. From aloe vera to sea salt, everything in our toothpaste is there to naturally keep your teeth and gums healthy, yet it is still suitable for vegans as it is made without any use of animal products. It contains stevia as a natural sweetener, which makes the Nano-b toothpaste (in our opinion) the tastiest toothpaste out there. It doesn’t damage the taste buds either, so breakfast can be enjoyed immediately without a weird taste in the mouth.

We strongly support animal rights, so we made sure our toothpaste has never been tested on animals. In the end, it all comes down to how well we know the products we use, the effects they have on our bodies and how environmentally responsible the brands we buy actually are.

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